Private Sessions

Private sessions are the ultimate way to enhance your meditation, pranayam and awareness progress. Historically meditation was an oral tradition studied under the guidance of a Master for very good reasons. Breath, thought, consciousness, attention and energy are subtle things, therefore the keen and alert watchfulness of an experienced teacher not only optimizes your efforts, but also spares you falling into pitfalls or misinterpretations that could lead to a practice that isn’t the best one for you.

Another perk of private sessions is that they are customized to your intentions, goals and circumstances. If you would like to focus on developing your meditation practice, we do that. If that changes and you would like to focus on developing the subtle science of breath, or pranayam, we do that. If life is overwhelming you and time management, stress, or simply wanting to gain more self-awareness to help you streamline your life and prioritize where your attention and time goes, well, we do that. And so many more options; it is all up to what your goals are. 

Weekly, fortnightly, or monthly one hour long sessions of consultation and instruction is available to you. These can be coupled with a course currently offered by Dive Deeply to get the most out of it, and they can be a stand alone resource for you to deepen your practice, understanding and help you integrate your insights and efforts into real time daily life.

Having well over 25 years of experience working one-on-one with people, Satroopa brings a wealth of tools and skills to you in these sessions. Her training and experience working as a counselor inform her ethics and practices.

For inquiries or to sign up for a free 20-minute introductory session to see if it's a fit for you: